Wednesday, May 28, 2014

 captured pulse photos

“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” - Rachel Carson 

When I was a child I enjoyed drawing and all forms of art. I would grab all I could in my public education and was blessed to have parents who sent me to  art classes within my city. I water-colored, I did ceramics, print making, acrylics, always sketching but I recall many times feeling frustrated by my inability to capture the beauty my eye was seeing and putting even a percentage of the beauty into my creation.
With a camera I have found a medium with which I can try to share the vision i see that makes my pulse race, that makes me ''ooh and ahh'', sights to stop everything except that moment frozen, captured in time. There gets to be a ''zone'' while I stalk through the wood or city waiting to see what catches my wonder as I wander.When I see a picture  in the middle of the passing peripheral scene I want to  be able to hand others to be able to step thru my eyes and lens and enjoy the view.
During the month of June I will be hanging 8 x 10 prints of my photos on a public wall. I have handmade and sold picture/photo post cards and quality card stock mounted with 4 x 6s with envelopes prior to now. i have shared and shared photos on social media aplenty. This will be the first wall of wood to hang my prints and that feels much bigger than thumbnails online.

 Getting close to an elegantly engineered  fragile flying flower creature such as a butterfly I will feel a sense of honor and as if I am in sacred space

 The elements and all things around me move my eyes and then the tiniest thing can grab  and lock my focus like sparkling water upon colorful sand with a wisp of dancing feather

 I know while I am scanning the horizon for pictures there are others watching me

I keep eyes open and look to find the beauty there to be seen whether in city or countryside or somewhere in between


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