Wednesday, March 26, 2014

 Words from  Iowa's State Climatologist Harry Hillaker -
“The meteorological season of winter runs from December 1 through February 28.  This past winter season has been the coldest experienced in Iowa in 35 years and ranks as the 9th coldest winter in 141 years of records.  Temperatures this winter season averaged 14.7 degrees or 7.2 degrees below normal.''
   and March has been harsh with below normal cold and we had snow as recently as Monday March 24th...
but the wild flowers are trying to grow, some getting a bit nipped and shriveled from the cold, the ice is mostly gone from rivers and streams and we have begun the season of spring.
   Spring one day will be blossoming floral trees and  green grass waving in warm breezes but at it's earliest appearance one must get down and dirty  and look closely. When down at bug's eye level there is much to see, the greening , growing spring but also the ancient fossilized impressions of bygone ages, the amazing texture of decaying wood, the minutia hiding inside the hollows of trees stumps and the intricacies of a spider's web. Don't sweat the small stuff, but I do recommend sometimes taking time to look and appreciate it .

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