Thursday, April 2, 2015

Human beings are part of nature.
Nature is not dependent on human beings to exist.
Human beings, on the other hand, are totally
dependent on nature to exist.
The growing number of people on the planet
and how we live here is going to determine the future of nature.
And the future of us.
Nature will go on, no matter what.
It will evolve.
The question is, will it be with us or without us?
 (from Conservation International ''Humanifesto'' 'Nature Is Speaking'

We build shelter, we build monuments.We take wood and stone and  elements of the earth and  create human civilization.We take, we take, we take - do we protect, replace, nurture, sustain? Nature will go on with or without us and I, for one, believe if we are to survive we must enter into respectful relationship with our 'mother ship' Earth